This year has been a hard one. I can't say it was the best. I guess they say whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I probably couldn't have made it through without friends. My friends to be more precise. I made new ones, developed some which were already there, lost one that meant the world to me. He is not lost but better yet no longer with us, though I think about him everyday. I wake up everyday wanting to lead a better life as I know he did, even though it's not always easy. Kit and I kept in touch throughout the years after high school and would go for beers each Christmas around this time. He would always lend me a helping hand when I needed it and had wise words for me; never judged. He once sent me a song and ironically it described my situation at the time, it now applies to him too. If you ever get the chance to listen to the song "Colors" by Norah Jones and Amos Lee take a good listen. I guess all this is to say, I am thankful for everything I have, my health, my family and the beautiful friends I have. I love you. You know who you are. xo
What better way to end the year then to rap it up with some photos of my favorite moments. Starting with an old photo of Kit and I in 2001 or 2002 I believe.
Mrs. Charlotte and I headed to L.A and had a blast. I can't wait to make it my home and wake up to palm trees everyday. We met some hippies. Fell in love with Ella and Daniel our friendly neighbors. Got to experience our favorite pop singer, minus the pop looks, HarMar first hand and thanks to my friends at Crooks and Castle I also learnt a valuable lesson. Patron is a dangerous vice:

One of my long time best friends moved to Montreal and we had the chance to live together for a few months. Thanks to the move, I now get to enjoy the daily fruits of our friendship. She always wears that hat when we go out... jokkkking but halloween is no joke when it comes to this love bug.

The Dog was a place where we perhaps spent too much time. I don't really know what's going on in this picture but I know it was a really fun night. I miss my Russian queen a lot.

This woman needs no introduction. She made us laugh. Cry... of laughter. And we are so happy she is now touring the world... no ... literally!

We rode the bull till our hands bled. We weeped in pain in the mornings but we know it was for a good cause... humor, friendship or beer? Either way. Thank you Serge. To my bullriders... i'm proud of you all and 09' will be our year.

Tracy moved down the block. My life has pretty much been ruined. I spent much time visiting JRP and spending time on the bb. Let's just say my thumbs are in good shape thanks to this girl. love you.
I still don' t know what exactly was going on here, and I also still don't know how to turn this photo around. R.I.P W SBL nights.

This girl let me use her as my model for far too many shoots and got her courageous ass out of bed at 6 a.m time and time again. For that... thank you. She also moved in half of her stuff into my apt, I think she was suddely trying to move in, I wouldn't of minded given we already spend most of our time together. You're a gem!

Churrken and damage control. This year was full of it. Thanks buddy.

We spent a whole lot of time at Value Village. We are honorary members of the family.

Hana moved away and we perhaps tried to make light of a sad situation:

Philly was fun. It was an asian 22nd for Lindsay and a delicious meat eating weekend at Gino's. I'm still looking for the photo of the cheesesteak king and I.


I love them and tequila nights...

The revival of the disposable cameras
My other half moved away but I know she is destined to own the world and be an absolute success. I'll be proud to watch her do it and know she will be by my side while I do my thing though perhaps on different coasts. We might have to figure out some sort of teleportation method!

Oh yeah did I mention Charlotte and I went to Disney land?

I miss my WRG? fam but we spent some priceless nights...
I spent the most memorable summer of my life, found my passion and had the chance to work with some amazing and inspiring people. I am so thankful for the opportunity I got and can't wait tackle future challenges.

We spent a lot of time dancing and listening to bad music but it's okay. We wore out our dancing shoes and wore them even if they were too tight, too big or too high.
And then one night... we went to crescent. Once a year was more than enough!
On this note I wish everyone a happy new year and above all a peaceful 2009!