Monday, January 12, 2009

aquatic boy

I used to have a handsome boy in my life. He woke me up every morning. Pushed the rocks in his bowl until I got up to feed him. My girlfriends loved him, so did my parents... needless to say he was the perfect man. Since Freddy, I've had Kurtis II, Do Love, Freddy II and Kenny. I'm considering getting a new guy but I don't know if I can handle loosing one again... A Bird is always an option.. Laaaaadiiiiiiiiiesssssss

R.I.P FREDDY  2006- 2006


margaux said...

i would love to have fish someday. and i think we all know how much i love birds but birds can be an awful lot of work as a pet. also i have mixed emotions about keeping birds in cages because they so clearly represent freedom and confining that gives me bad vibes. plus if you get so bummed over the loss of a fish friend, i can only imagine that loss would be harder with a more emotional animal.

but needless to say, i do GET wanting a bird friend. they are pretty incredible and i will give my full support if you decide it's right for you. i just find the more time i work with them, the harder time i have seeing them in captivity. i think this is probably true with most animals

Sarah Rafter said...

oh dear, this makes me sad

I will paint you a fishy, that way you'll always have one.

I second previous statement about birds, it's too bad they can't be litter trained so they can fly around and do their birdie chores without flinging untwanteds everywhere.. you're in a difficult predicament.

t. said...

You are moving! We already established this to be a bad idea. You can't take a fish to LA.

charlotte elizabeth said...

what tracey said hahahaha are we cruel?

mimi. said...

I told you that if you got a bird I wasn't coming over ever again. yes birds are beautiful; when they are flying in the sky with the sun glistening off their backs. not when they are in a cage in the corner of your room squawking you ear off!

ps. you can adopt my fish. or babysit. or come over to see them when ever you would like.

sorry I am not as nice as the ladies who commented above.
